Frequently asked and answered questions
Is there any other way to use the API than by using the dœcentral.com domain?
I feel you. Punycode domains still feel strange and make you afraid that at one or the other system involved cannot handle it. While working on this project, we have seen only a few minor problems, but in general most applications and solutions are working fine with punycode domains too. However, if you want to be a 100% save, you also can use the domain doecentral.com
or xn--dcentral-ktb.com
for all requests.
What is this name and the strange character about?
It's a bit nerdy, be warned! Since the ligature œ
looks like an o and e at the same time, you can read as do_central as well as de_central. So dœcentral is a central for all your to do's, but decentralised (in some kind) at the same time. Furthermore, in mathematics, the ligature Œ is used as an abbreviation of the expression "without restriction". Isn't that a perfect match for a service like this? :)
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